Концерты группы

Российский тур Therion

  • 04.10 – Владивосток
  • 05.10 – Хабаровск
  • 07.10 – Иркутск
  • 09.10 – Красноярск
  • 10.10 – Новосибирск
  • 11.10 – Екатеринбург
  • 13.10 – Нижний Новгород
  • 14.10 – Москва
  • 15.10 – Минкс (Белоруссия)
  • 16.10 – Санкт-Петербург
  • 17.10 - Самара
Цитата группы

"В каждый момент нашей карьеры мы делали всё лучшее, на что были способны, и оставались предельно честными перед собой и перед нашими слушателями."

Кристофер Йонсен

Son Of The Sun


In ancient days of Khem
A Pharao was praising
The sun above Amon
Osiris, Mother Isis and Thoth
The gods would punish the hybris of Pharao
He wrapped himself in false sunshine
He was the founding father of the only God
But he provoked a fit of rage
Son of the Sun, it was his name
Son of the Sun, the sun will burn your wings
Son of the Sun, beware of Aton
Son of the Sun, your God will let you down
The Sphinx burst into tears
And pyramids are shaking
The precipice is close
When Pharao is losing his faith
Visions of madness led the Pharao astray
The portents were too ominous
Until this day his curse is still the plague of Man
We must defeat the only God
Son of the Sun, it was his name
Son of the Sun, the sun will burn your wings
Son of the Sun, beware of Aton
Son of the Sun, your God will let you down
Apep will rise
Apep will come
Son of the Sun, it was his name
Son of the Sun, the sun will burn your wings
Son of the Sun, beware of Aton
Son of the Sun, your God will let you down
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